Should You Develop a Modern Slavery Statement?
Sarah Ozanne
Being linked to slavery is disastrous for any company. Join Sarah Ozanne to learn why publishing a modern slavery statement is crucial, how to engage your board and the consequences of failing to act.
Being linked to slavery is disastrous for any company. Join Sarah Ozanne to learn why publishing a modern slavery statement is crucial, how to engage your board and the consequences of failing to act.
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Should You Develop a Modern Slavery Statement?
9 mins 40 secs
Key learning objectives:
Understand from a governance perspective who needs to publish a modern slavery statement
Outline how to engage senior management on modern slavery statements
Understand the consequences for non-publication of a statement
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- Provide goods or services
- Carry out part or all of their business in the UK
- Have a global annual turnover of £36 million or more, including subsidiaries' turnover
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