Practical Benefits of Biochar
Siddharth Kaul
9 years: Renewable & Low Carbon Fuels
You've likely never heard of biochar, despite it being an ancient practice. Join Siddharth Kaul as he explores the practical benefits of biochar.
You've likely never heard of biochar, despite it being an ancient practice. Join Siddharth Kaul as he explores the practical benefits of biochar.
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Practical Benefits of Biochar
5 mins 53 secs
Key learning objectives:
Identify the disadvantages of incinerating rice husks
Outline the benefits of biochar
Understand how biochar can create a circular economy
Many rice mills sell their rice husk to power plants to incinerate for power and heat. This is economically efficient but bad for the environment, as it releases carbon into the atmosphere and creates a hazardous environment for soils. Biochar provides long-term carbon storage, increases agricultural yields, enhances soils and increases water retention.
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Siddharth Kaul
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