Key Governance Factors in ESG Investing
Arun Kelshiker
20 years: Asset management and stewardship
In this video, Arun explores the fundamental role of governance in shaping company operations and driving ethical conduct and business performance. He also talks about the evolution of corporate governance, influenced by past financial scandals and corrective measures, leading to the establishment of governance codes like the UK's 1992 Corporate Governance Code.
In this video, Arun explores the fundamental role of governance in shaping company operations and driving ethical conduct and business performance. He also talks about the evolution of corporate governance, influenced by past financial scandals and corrective measures, leading to the establishment of governance codes like the UK's 1992 Corporate Governance Code.
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Key Governance Factors in ESG Investing
13 mins 12 secs
Key learning objectives:
Outline what governance is
Understand how corporate governance has evolved over time
Outline the key governance factors investors should consider when making investment decisions
Governance underpins company operations, focusing on aligning processes and people. Its essence is promoting ethical behavior and robust business performance. Key governance factors include board structure, executive pay, transparency, and business ethics. Boards, essential in oversight, face scrutiny from investors. Following financial mishaps, measures like the UK's 1992 Corporate Governance Code emerged, albeit with global variations. These frameworks aim to address challenges such as the 'agency issue'. Emphasising the board's structure, executive compensation, and business ethics ensures stakeholder trust and value while navigating complex corporate landscapes.
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Arun Kelshiker
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