Channelling Your Inner Creativity
Christian Hunt
25 years: Behavioural science & compliance
In this video, Christian explores how to be creative and what we need to watch when we’re doing so.
In this video, Christian explores how to be creative and what we need to watch when we’re doing so.
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Channelling Your Inner Creativity
11 mins 19 secs
Key learning objectives:
Understand the nature of Creativity
Outline how to incorporate Creativity into daily problem solving
Creativity transcends conventional problem-solving and idea generation, it's a distinctive way of perceiving the world, as Sir Ken Robinson contends in "Out of Our Minds." More than a skill, creativity embodies a lifestyle. Embracing your creative potential can yield positive impacts in both professional and personal spheres. Approaching challenges with an open mind and a willingness to take risks enables the generation of truly innovative solutions, offering a fresh perspective on problem-solving.
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How does the Remote Associates Test (RAT) measure creativity, and what does it require participants to do?
How does changing the working environment contribute to incorporating creativity into daily problem-solving?
What are the three key things individuals can learn to enhance their creativity?
- Finding new connections between things to stimulate the brain
- Considering the impact of the environment on thinking and being open to changing locations
- Benefiting from the stimulus provided by people (or machines) who think differently
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Christian Hunt
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